
Love Me Or Hate Me

As Lady Sovereign sings: "Love me or hate me that is the question, if you love me then thank you, if you hate me then fuck you."

Since the demise of MJHD, and the sale of MJHD, apart from Auntie Amy's comments on her Diaper Fetish site there has been very little to comment about. Some of the recent comments have been very insightful, and I thank the various authors for those. But some of the recent comments have been attacking me, and other commentators.

I couldn't give two shits if you want to attack me, fuck I created this blog of hate (as some call it) I expected to get some sort of retaliation against me. I don't care what people write about me. Actually I laugh along with most of the comments that attack me because you don't even know who you are attacking; which by psychology standards just means you are looking for an outlet for your own inability to actually do anything more meaningful - allegedly.

As for attacking other commentators on this blog that is just retarded. You want to argue with each other because the wool was pulled over your eyes at MJHD?. You want to bitch at people rather than the person(s) who wronged you at MJHD?

See, the more you complain about each other you forget the reason you are most likely reading this blog. And that reason is that Auntie Amy, the diaper wearing original Admin, and her cronies wronged each and every single REAL member.

So argue amongst yourselves if you want, but remember it wasn't the commentator that you had an issue with, it wasn't the commentator that did you wrong.



bec said...

The longer this blog goes on, the more I become convinced that this blogger is "AMY"... or someone sympathetic to "AMY".

"AMY" never existed... or at least not past early August. The 6-23 date has never been discussed.... even after I posed the topic in a reply, blogger blew me off with a lame, soft, wimpy reply of essentialy "uh, I dunno".

6-23 is the real conspiracy... yet we constantly have diaper fetish and donate now distractions fed to us. Not disregarding of course the sideways mention of 6-1 date which is obvious silliness released by "AMY" that anyone who has computer knowledge beyond hitting the power button could figure out. The 6-1 shot is BS yet this blogger deams it worthy of mention?

NO ONE CARES about that stuff (or should care), not when 6-23 is rock solid, irrefuteable, undeniable proof that this is all a hoax... and the site is part of a larger conspiracy... which is what this blog is supposed to be regarding (hense the name-you chose it blogger, why not stay on topic).

Notice that this blogger could care less about the REAL conspiracy re: MJHD and would rather throw shiney sparkley distractions at the hoax community by using scandelous topics such as diaper fetishes and donate now buttons.

Doesn't anyone else get it? This is exactly like MJHD: don't talk about the real issues, distracting with "omg don't attack "AMY"" has been traded for "yes let's attack "AMY" in juicy scandelous ways so they forget about the real issues here". Clever.

See, no one was ever attacking "AMY", yet they threw such a big screaming fit over it we all fell over backwards to try and explain that fact that the actual issue we wanted to discuss got buried in bullshit. Just like what's happening here.

It's a distraction.

Anonymous said...

Thank you bec, I was just about to c/p yer comment.

seeing as how MHJDConspiracy failed to address you and instead pulled an AMY and made a woe-is-me-but-fuck-you-for-hating-me post


Blog Author said...

LOL. Both of you need to slow down a little bit. As you should now be aware there is a post entitled "June 23 - Revisited". I didn't pull an Auntie Amy.

And in no way was it a "Woe is me" post as the post which you didn't read says I don't give a fuck if people want to attack me.

Before you comment, next time take your mouth away from Bec's cunt, whoopee you agree with her, but you shoot yourself in the foot with a nonsense comment after. and actually read the post you are commenting on. For fuck's sake, no wonder Auntie Amy was able to pull the wool over so many people if this was all she had to deal with!

Anonymous said...

Fer chrissake - MJHDC is definitely not Amy.

Anonymous said...

I come here not only for information, but for the sheer comedy factor. The blogger is hysterical, and the comments although sometimes moronic, are even funnier! LOL
The fact that Amy put up her little hoax site before MJ died is important, but without proof or her admittance (which obviously, she has no intention on giving) then where does it leave anyone? With a Google screen shot and an email. She isn't admitting any wrong doing, never has, never will. The websites now gone along with all the information, and she's sitting back somewhere laughing her fucking ass off because she screwed all her members. Not too much you can do about that really but learn not be so niave and question everything that's not in black and white.

Anonymous said...

MJHDC breath and relax.

Don't be pullin a silvertwat now just because of my impatience of you not replying faster! XD

Thanks again for revisiting (oh no am I suckling one of your many teets now?! OH SNAP!), but it still doesn't explain how the fuck she managed to get that shit up before MJ actually died. And no, I'm not demanding you answer it, it's just frustrating not knowing.

And I am thankful every day to have been a lurker on MJHD and not an actual member.

Still waiting on Amy's book release "OMGz I DID IT AND IN DIAPERS!"

bec said...

MJHDConspiracy did not fail to address me, the blogger simply seemed to blow me off in the past by making light of the 6-23 issue. Nor did I feel that MJHDConspiracy pulled a "woe is me" nor tell me to fuck off. This is not what I meant. I simply meant I think 6-23 is the real issue and the rest is inconsequential so I don't understand the focus on a fake person's ("AMY") fake identity.

I do appreciate the blog post re: the 6-23 situation and will comment there as well. Thank you MJHDConspiracy for addressing the (IMO) "real" conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts for you amy's moronic spokespeople. None of you fool has a brain or a pot to piss in. I stayed on the outside looking in and could see all the games that were being played. Hmm, some of you pea brain let cuddlefish and silverhock run hot shot all over you. You sheplers acted as if them two hillbillies were preaching the gospel. Bec you know you are amy shut your mouth. I meant sit on your hands and do not type a word. You look stuuuuuuuuuuupid ! MJHD Conspiracy broke it down to kindergarten level. Heck my five year old would understand the evidence presented on this blog. Some of you need to go back to school and learn reading, writing and arithmetic.

It is apparent that you loosers do not like this blog as it is apparent. Pray tell! Why are you hecklers visiting here writing ignorant shyt? I guess intelligence is too much for you sheplers. MJHD Conspiracy is right in everything stated. Some of you need to wake up smell the coffee and see the truth for what it is. Now diaper dupp Amy is going to use all the hard work you hecklers put in the forum. I think it is three times the forum was down lol. Heck it happened so often I lost count. Diaper dupp amy will use a pseudonym to write a book about MJ faking his death. Some of you are too gullible. It is just pitiful and a darn shame. How many times does a dog have to bite some of you in the ass? Before any of you sheplers wake up and see the dog bite.

News Flash ! Here is a good lesson for you dumb morons. When you have a solid theory let me teach you what to do. Type it out and date it put your name on the paper and write "Copyrighted" on whatever date at the end. I have to simplify what I meant, the date that you used that is the date that your theory will be copyrighted. Put the paper in an envelope address it to yourself and put a stamp on it. When the postman present the envelope to you. DO NOT OPEN IT !! DO NOT BE NOSY YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IS IN THE ENVELOPE! IF YOU open the envelope the copyright is null and void. If you do NOT open the envelope. That simply means that you copyrighted your research lol. Let me help you dumb morons out some more. "COPYRIGHT" is the lesson for today. When you enter your research on the forum type "COPYRIGHTED" and put the date that you typed on the paper. LOL, it is a cheap way to do it. But it works ! Now all of you sheplers go back to auntie amy she is all of you sheplers master. Tell cuddlefish and silverflick I said hellooooo. Oh I hope a kangaroo will bite amy on her ass because she deserve it. Tell her to stop directing traffic to thisisalsoit. It is NO secret that she is the one doing it lol. MJHD Conspiracy I am lifting my glass with champagne and cheering you on. I like you, you tell the truth. One can take a mule to water but cannot make the mule drink lol. That is what is happening with these witches who cannot see the forest from the trees. Heck any sane person would know MJ would NOT be on twitter giving you morons or anyone any information. Yes he is alive but he got more brains than all of you morons put together. MJ is chilling so tell them fakers on twitter the game is up ROFL.

Five need to chill out. It is on the forum insulting you morons. Some of you are so stuuuupid that none of you cannot see five's game. Before any of you see a typo and think that I cannot spell. Heck I am not going to bother to proof read anything. Because you morons are not intelligent for me to waste my time. I am not writing a thesis for any of you sheplers. Intelligent people including MJHD Conspiracy will understand what I stated on here. pg1

Anonymous said...

pg 2
News Flash ! Here is a good lesson for you dumb morons. When you have a solid theory let me teach you what to do. Type it out and date it put your name on the paper and write "Copyrighted" on whatever date at the end. I have to simplify what I meant, the date that you used that is the date that your theory will be copyrighted. Put the paper in an envelope address it to yourself and put a stamp on it. When the postman present the envelope to you. DO NOT OPEN IT !! DO NOT BE NOSY YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IS IN THE ENVELOPE! IF YOU open the envelope the copyright is null and void. If you do NOT open the envelope. That simply means that you copyrighted your research lol. Let me help you dumb morons out some more. "COPYRIGHT" is the lesson for today. When you enter your research on the forum type "COPYRIGHTED" and put the date that you typed on the paper. LOL, it is a cheap way to do it. But it works ! Now all of you sheplers go back to auntie amy she is all of you sheplers master. Tell cuddlefish and silverflick I said hellooooo. Oh I hope a kangaroo will bite amy on her ass because she deserve it. Tell her to stop directing traffic to thisisalsoit. It is NO secret that she is the one doing it lol. MJHD Conspiracy I am lifting my glass with champagne and cheering you on. I like you, you tell the truth. One can take a mule to water but cannot make the mule drink lol. That is what is happening with these witches who cannot see the forest from the trees. Heck any sane person would know MJ would NOT be on twitter giving you morons or anyone any information. Yes he is alive but he got more brains than all of you morons put together. MJ is chilling so tell them fakers on twitter the game is up ROFL.

Five need to chill out. It is on the forum insulting you morons. Some of you are so stuuuupid that none of you cannot see five's game. Before any of you see a typo and think that I cannot spell. Heck I am not going to bother to proof read anything. Because you morons are not intelligent for me to waste my time. I am not writing a thesis for any of you sheplers. Intelligent people including MJHD Conspiracy will understand what I stated on here. Now all of you sheplers have a good Christmas. MJ will NOT be returning he did not fake his death to return. He is with his children and family. He has retired and will be directing from behind the curtain. Yeah the final curtain call lmao. MJ is one slick handsome man. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure things out lol. Heck I completed all my investigation in three weeks. I am not telling all so none of you go back to any place and put anything what I stated on this blog. Because I am going to "Copyright" it when I am finished. I do not care if anyone live in a jungle. I will fly to any part of the world an sue you. Over and out :)

Anonymous said...

I make this comment without judgment of whether Michael is dead or alive.

Maybe this is a bit far fetched but has anyone considered that Sony are behind this whole hoax theory and they ran the website MJDH which is now up for sale again. Lets face it, Sony can afford to let the hoax die now as they have accomplished their mission of getting their investment money back, the 02 incurred debts repaid, the successful movie TII and new fans with the tills ringing in the $$ and also all of Michael's debts wiped clean, and money in trust for his children. All in all It has turned out to be a great PR/media campaign. Look at how Michael's siblings are enjoying the renewal of their careers. Fait accomplit. Thank you fans.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing gained. It is all for L.O.V.E. A splendid Illusion. Genius, pure genius.


PS Anonymous at 8.44pm 5/12/2009 is this how you do it????

Anonymous said...

Re 23/6 Google snapshot - here's another possible explanation. Amy (is she really a 21 yo ningnong from Tassie?) read or heard about Ian Halperin's prediction in Dec/Jan that MJ would 'die in 6 months'. So she bought the domain and set up a MJHD page/s to be hosted before 25/6, just in case. She clearly hosts sites to earn revenue from adsense, so would be on the lookout for potential revenue churners. She then hit PAYDIRT when MJ actually did 'die'! It was pure luck re the timing of setting up the site.

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