
Detective Work Really Is Not Working

With MJHD.COM being deader than Dr. Murray at a Michael Jackson tribute. I decided to venture outside the box. I headed over to MJHD.NET.

What do you know. I'm a celebrity there. People are discussing this blog. It was like looking, and seeing that people were starting to think.

I really think MJHD.NET will be a great forum/website if they eject Five's lying, fat, drunk, ass from the forum. That dumb fuck is going to sit there and create the drama and hatred that screwed MJHD.COM up. You want to blame me for MJHD.COM failing, that would be so wrong, Five pissed off members and was never banned because Auntie Amy felt sorry for this crippled bitch.

So a word of warning to MJHD.NET: You are starting on the right tracks with an open, well designed, forum. Don't let one drunk destroy it. Like Michael, when he went solo, make the decision that you don't need Five.

So what topics do I get mentioned in? First one is entitled "Intresting MJHD Cached on Google June 23" where they discuss the creation date of MJHD.COM. Then as you read through the comments it starts stating that June 23 could have been mentioned in a post.

This is where the detective work fails. Big time failure. If they had checked the text next to the date on the screenshot I provided them, they would have read these important words:

"We are dedicated to unveiling the Conspiracy and Hoax surrounding the Death of Michael Jackson."

These are not words of a post in a forum, these are the words of the introduction that was the front page of MJHD.COM. And for further information, the front page did not mention June 23 until it was addressed by Auntie Amy when she posted her email from GoDaddy. So no way was it a post that Google just read the date of - it was the date the website was created.

The second article I get mentioned in over at MJHD.NET is entitled: "Some info on MJHD...who will own it" it is suggested that the only reason for the "-1 posts" is if someone tries to register but doesn't succeed. As is mentioned by other previous MJHD.COM members only about 300 people were posting. So you can safely say that 6700 people tried to register. Let us deduct 700 for those who lost passwords and signed up with a different email address and username. Still 6000 people that allegedly couldn't register.

So let us think for a minute. Auntie Amy was, and still is all about money, that is 6000 people that could have clicked the "donate" button, could have clicked her Google AdSense adverts. Don't you think that someone who is so interested in money would not fix that to ensure she could get some of that money?

And if you take the stance that people tried to register "several times" it is still 857 people that could of clicked that "donate" button or advert.

So this leads to the question. Why are certain people over at MJHD.NET doing their best to protect Auntie Amy's reputation. She screwed the dumb fuckers out of 5 months information, investigations, and hard work and you are going to sit on your fat ass and defend that bitch - you have to be kidding me. Do you have to have Auntie Amy actually come round your house, knock on your door, laugh in your face, and spit on your shoes, before you finally wake the fuck up and realise she shafted each and every one of you?



Anonymous said...

I like the analogy about going solo.....LOLOLOL

Juggernaut said...

Could not agree more about Five. Already she's causing animosity, sucking up to her peeps, and intentionally ignoring members she doesn't consider worthy of her crap (luckily for them).

Lara is trying hard to do a good job and recruit a fresh group of moderators to help the forum run well, but with useless yet influential deadweight like Five around, the same old shit and dissension is destined to occur again.

Well, at least I/you/we warned 'em. What more can you do?

Anonymous said...

Amen reg. Five! That is what I tried to tell them but they never will get that (I was banned for my opinion reg. Five...)!
I guess they feel sorry for her coz of her physical and mental handicaps.

Five is a shit-stirrer no more no less!

And it's really strange that she is on the run again - right after the new/old forum popped up.

Five/Lola/BerlinBabyGermany/Michaela: crawl back to the woodwork where you came from!

To the haters (of this blog, the blogger, me): Well, SCREW YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so right about Five! Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Why didn`t you say anything about 4TheTruth??

Anonymous said...

why didn`t you make a screenshot of the cache??? you would have seen where June 23 comes from... answer please..

Anonymous said...

You ventured outside of the box?
You were in the same fucking box to begin with!
Sorry but you are not divulging some pertinent information regarding MJHD.com. The status is listed as and I quote: "registered, active website" and "not for sale". I don't care what email addy is listed, it's bullshit.
The For Sale sign is a sham. The people who are running MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com are the same assholes running MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net- if you read the posts you can figure out who's who. Doesn't take a genius to figure out it's the same fucking crew of shitheads.
It's pathetic that so many people are blind to the fact that it's the same old shit.

ALSO when you do a google search on MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net- it takes you right back to MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com! WHY HASN'T ANYONE PICKED UP ON THIS?

In fact MJHDCONSPIRACY BLOG is at the TOP OF THE LIST followed by MJKIT. OMG, if that doesn't speak volumes I don't know what does. And for 7,000 members not to notice, WTF!!!!!!!!!
But hey, 6,950 must have been dozing on propofol because at the most, there were only 50 posters on MJHD and that was on a good day. And don't forget the fact that many posters have more than one account, in fact they have several accounts- typical, happens in any forum. But at MJHD- it was obvious who was who. I think I will send in an official list of names to the official Who's Who and call it MICHAEL JACKSON DEATH HOAX.COM WHO's WHO !!!!!! LMAO !!!!!!!!

Back to the topic at hand:
Fact MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net doesn't even show up when you do a google search. WTF!!!!!!!
Google asks: DO YOU MEAN:MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fucking morons got caught in A net of lies!!! And you ask why they are defending AMY- because those who are, are from the same fucking camp, that's why. Pity to the sheeple who haven't caught on.

MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net was created on December 1,2009. Less than 24 hours after MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com went down.
Things that make you go hmmmm!!!!
MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com remains active- check domain tools.
It's not up for sale. Why don't you question this, are you not the least bit inquisitive or are you evading the issue for some reason?

And on a final note. MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com switched IP addresses in November, just as Nostradamus predicted, MJHD.com went from Arizona to Provo Utah. You evade and omit this crucial piece of information!
MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net shares the same IP address- PROVO, UTAH. WTF!!!!

And don't throw the Bluehost bullshit at me, I've got their number. Want proof, leave me your number and we can talk business.
In the mean time:
Do a few tracking records, not one or two, do a few and you'll see AUNTIE AMY's diapers have been flying across the nation from Arizona to Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, Washington and New York; her shit is flying international, perhaps even Australia, France and Germany.
Next thing you know I'll be getting a box of loaded diapers at my doorstep with an invitation from Silverdick and Goldicocks to attend their Shitmas PARTY. Would I go, of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Is "Amy Sampson" really Amy Pascal of Sony Corporation????? Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures?

Anonymous said...

MHJD.com is as dead as the nails, that they used in that coffin that was allegedly buried at FL. I commend the owner of MJHD.net she has being doing a good job. The only thing I wonder is. Woof woof who let the dogs in ? Five need to get a swift kick in the ass, and ship IT out of there. From the outside looking in I saw her game LOL. Wake up!! Those insults that Five is hurling over there is not right. I hope the owners think twice and hit that ban button on IT. Running around the forum with them ugly flowers in her siggie box thinking it is cute. Take that 15 century floral arrangement giff off. It hurts my eyes ! Go let someone intelligent help you Five to find a gif that is more pleasing to the eyes. Like it is going to help you LOL. I predict that Five will be banned shortly. I LMAO when they had that silly post at that crooked MJHD.com asking about Five. I wished I had an emesis basin nearby. My stomach felt so awful reading those witches whining about Five. I know Five had to be reading the forum. It mysteriously appeared the same day, as if IT is the Queen of England. I think it was within the hour of the first post asking about IT. I see some of you are sone damn hypocritical two faced bitches. Up in Karen's Facebook, kissing her ass from here to Germany. Then get on the forums, and spill your guts out talking about the woman. It is not that I like her as I know she sold those darn pictures. It is like rat traps are on her hands now. Lying heffer she know she said that was not Michael on those tapes. Then she changed and said she did not know. Good girls with guts confronted her. One told her ass that she had it in writing from Karen LMAO. You see I do not post in that Facebook of Karen's. I am on the sideline to be nosy and Karen is so guilty she is not saying a word. I LMAO when she was confronted again a few days ago. She know she sold those darn pictures. Another vulture like a vampire feeding off Michael's good name. I wonder why she used to put lipstick on Michael. The man is handsome he did not need that fushia shit on his lips. He is all man woman trying to make him look too femine after all he is not a doll. I just do not like all those bitches kissing Karen's ass daily. Some of them need to change their names to Scott or Charmin.

Please do NOT let them two hillbillies in your forum. Meaning Silverflick and Cuddlefish. They claimed that they would not be a part of any forum again. I LMAO as I know that Silverflick is over another forum as a moderator. Claiming they are such devoted christians and lie and cheat. Did anyone receive their money from Amy? I thought Silverflick posted that Diaper Duff Amy will be reimbursing everyone. It might have being cuddlefluck who said that. They told so many lies that when it come to them three I sometimes have to think long to remember who said what. I read that one person was not reimbursed. That is telling that Auntie Amy used up all the money on diapers. I almost fell off my chair that she had the temerity the gall to call MJ that disresptful name. She is not a MJ fan it was all about money you morons. I peeped that from day
one. That is why I did not sign up over there. I would have been telling Amy, Silversly and Cuddlefall that they are a bunch of thieves and liars. As always MJHD Conspiracy is right and is always on point.

I noticed that some of you are suddenly waking up from the fog. Some of you are seeing a little glimpse of light. Some of you still have far to go. Some is still kissing Amy, Silversly and Cuddlefunk's asses. As always I am not checking for typos, grammatical erros, and I deliberatly left out punctuation 99% as sensible people will read and know what I meant. I already paid my dues in college. I always double checked quadruple checked everything in college. It is late here and I better get to bed. For the dummies please read Copyright 101 for dummies. I wrote the instructions on this blog.

Anonymous said...

why did you blacken the url??

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there is seriously something wrong with Five and the people that like her. She insulted 4thetruth and then blu who asked her to aplogize to 4thetruth. She was writing all over MJHD.net like she was a mod or co-admin. I hope not. If she continues her shit, I am convinced she is either Amy or has some connection to whomever owned MJHD.com. As for detective work, I think some people will do great work but with so many other forums now available, I think I may post my great findings somewhere else. Time will tell.

PS: Of course you were right about June 23. Five wanted to discredit you and some of her mindless followers dominated and buried that real truth. What a real shame.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "why didn`t you make a screenshot of the cache??? you would have seen where June 23 comes from... answer please.."

No mystery, the simple answer is that I never got the screenshot; it was sent to me.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "Why didn`t you say anything about 4TheTruth??"

Because they haven't said anything worth mentioning yet.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "Just curious. Is "Amy Sampson" really Amy Pascal of Sony Corporation????? Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures?"

I don't think so, it is possible I suppose, but I doubt it. Don't think Sony would have anything to with MJHD. Too much BS for even Sony to deal with.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "why did you blacken the url??"

I didn't. That is how it was sent to me.

Anonymous said...

Her name is Klaus. He/she is male.

Anonymous said...

@mjhdc...five is a very straight person...she says what she means and I like that..She`s one of the few people here who is not two-faced ..we disagree in some points, but that`s ok.

Anonymous said...

Y'all remind me of the media somehow. The way they were slandering Michael Jackson. There is no Love on this blog. This has nothing to do with Michael. This blog is pure hate and insanity. You need professional help and you know it. I hope you die before Christmas.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "I hope you die before Christmas."

Not going to happen. I'll still be alive and kicking while you are pushing up daisies.

Anonymous said...


bec said...

Oh yes anonymous 12-6 10:23, you really put everyone in their place. Way to call out behavior by behaving precisely the same way.

Anonymous said...

Five is cool and also very intelligent. Not everyone is as fluent in 2 languages. Her English is better than most American's writing on the board.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous : if Five is soo intelligent why is she trolling the forum??

Anonymous said...

"And on a final note. MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.com switched IP addresses in November, just as Nostradamus predicted, MJHD.com went from Arizona to Provo Utah. You evade and omit this crucial piece of information!
MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net shares the same IP address- PROVO, UTAH. WTF!!!!"

This reminds me of something I read on a little private forum a while back. This was taken from DaveDave's Myspace page a while ago, pay close attention to the place listed.

Dave Dave
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Dave Dave
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Last Login: 10/15/2009

Anonymous said...


annieisnotokey said...

I must have been on glue in the past few months because I missed the moment when Five became more important than Michael Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Maybe MJHD Conspiracy is Five?

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "Maybe MJHD Conspiracy is Five?"

No. I'm not German, crippled, drunk, and never owned a hotdog cart.

Blog Author said...

Anonymous said: "This blog is pure hate and insanity."

Yeah it is kind of. But it is hard not to show hate when you see fans, and members, alike being lied to by anyone who sits in as the Admin of MJHD.COM.

If they treated people like the Admins expected to be treated there would have been no need for this blog. But thanks to the way MJHD.COM was run this blog was born out of necessity.

Auntie Amy, Fuckfish, Nightmare, and others may hate the hatred on this blog. But THEY made it full of hatred by shafting members of a forum constantly with lies.

And to be honest if you know this blog is all hate and insanity, why come to it again and again? And allegedly we are the ones that are insane.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you all are Michael Jackson fans..I thought MJ fans had a level of class..
So what the heck is this?? No clue, No class, and none of you guys have even come close to the REAL TRUTH yet..
He reads this stuff...I would clean up.

Anonymous said...

He reads this stuff..I would clean it up folks.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymus 11:03/11:06:
Who is "he" and where from do you know that he reads that stuff?
And: what is the REAL TRUTH?
Enlight me please.
Thanx :).

Anonymous said...

LMBO!!!!!!! This is some great stuff...I LOVE IT!

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