
This Dog Has Joined Facebook

Social networks are everywhere. Whether it is Myspace, Twitter, or Facebook, no matter where you go everyone you meet is on one of them; except the occasional person who is lost in cyberspace.

So if you need to find me on Facebook just search for the term "mjhdconspiracy" I should be there somewhere. Don't be surprised if you find the occasional fan site too (seriously there isn't one yet - but who knows).

So I'll be posting the occasional thing on Facebook when it is worth looking at but not really worth writing a blog post.

Also I'm still on Twitter. With the same username "mjhdconspiracy". So now you can find out whats happening at MJHD wherever you go.



anonymous 3 said...

@Conspiracy : Does this mean, you'll stop with the blog? I sincerely hope not... we need common sense and a bit of sarcasme in this cold cold world...lol, to keep our feet grounded.
I don't have facebook nor twitter ... so please keep me posted...I'm lost in (cyber) space

Blog Author said...

Anonymous 3 said: "@Conspiracy : Does this mean, you'll stop with the blog? I sincerely hope not."

No, the blog is still going to be the main thing, just every now and again there is something to say that doesn't really warrant a post on the blog, more like little thoughts I have throughout the day.

anonymous 3 said...

@Conspiracy : Tyvm :-))

Anonymous said...

Little thoughts you have... throughout the day.... wtf??? LMAOROFL!!!

Anonymous said...

No need for the announcement.
People can smell your dog shit a mile away........just depends how far they want to stick their noses into it. LMAO !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you @conspiracy but If I add you on facebook then you will know who I am and so will everyone else! and you know we must remain loyal to the creed that makes us loyal MJHD members..thou shall bullshit,lie,cheat,and steal petty cash from the members ,stupidly follow all leaders and fake clues and members...am I publicly prepared to expose myself to the rest of of the world as a part of this group?
ahh yeah why not if fuckfish can show his face in weird arse poses with his mum then why not me too:D

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