
Perpetual Population

According to the U.S. census website - a child is born every 7 seconds; and someone dies every 13 seconds. This leads to the theory that the population, in theory alone, is doubling.

The U.S. is, obviously, just one country out of many. But if the same proportions are happening the world over eventually the world will be overcrowded; and as a result natural resources which were once considered infinite will at some point cease to exist.

Using the U.S. as an example; calculations for a year would be:

Total Births Per Year (U.S.) = (365 x 24 x 60 x 60) ÷ 7 = 4,505,143
Total Deaths Per Year (U.S.) = (365 x 24 x 60 x 60) ÷ 13 = 2,425,846

With a constant birth and death rate this would mean the population of the U.S. would rise by 2,079,297 each and every year. So after 10 years there are over 20 million 'extra' people in the U.S. And in 100 years (in the year 2111) there will be an 'extra' 200 million people in the U.S. alone.

The U.S. population at present is hovering around the 300 million mark. Which means by the year 2111 it would, in theory, be 500 million; give or take a few million.

The more exact figures are:

Present 2011 U.S. Population: 311,000,000
One Hundred Year Increase: 207,929,700
Projected 2111 U.S. Population: 518,929,700

A 40% increase, over 100 years, in the U.S. population alone.

With the world population expected to top 7 billion by the end of this year; using the same 40% as used for the U.S., the world population by the end of 2111 could be as high as 10 billion (9.8 billion). And by 2211 the world population could be, if the rates stay the same, almost 14 billion people (13.72 billion).

These figures are all estimates at best since the birth, and death, rate for each country varies; and then each country varies from year to year. But the one constant throughout the world is that the average age at death is rising globally. People are living longer; thanks to medical advances, science, nutritional improvement, and generally better living standards.

So in 200 years we have to find space, and resources, to support an extra 13.72 billion people.

Or do we?

Mankind has always had a need to classify, and regulate, everything but itself. Could now be the time that for the sake of survival mankind regulates itself?

Introducing "Perpetual Population". Basically a figure is determined and that figure is maintained. So if the figure 7 billion was determined as all the earth can handle then that is the figure which should be maintained.

When the world population hits 7 billion all births and deaths are reported on an international level. And at the end of each year, if the births outweigh deaths, the difference are humanely put to sleep; and removed from the population. In the U.S., for example, this would be 2 million people a year; at present rates.

But who decides who dies? Luckily nobody has to decide. Time will dictate who does and who does not make it. We just cull the elderly.

Now before everyone gets sentimental about Grandpa and Grandma you have to look at the bigger picture. Do you want to see Grandpa and Grandma survive a few extra years; or would you sleep better knowing they did their part in ensuring mankind was able to exist for generations and generations after they were gone?

It seems a little drastic, and some may even say heartless, but we have been doing it for centuries with everything else. Every year billions, if not trillions, of trees are cut down, in sustainable forests, to make room for new trees to grow. Every year thousands of old, decrepit, buildings are torn down to make way for new ones. We, as mankind, do this because on this earth we only have so much space; and ultimately only so much natural resources.

Why is it not done with mankind? Fear. Pure and simple. Because whoever makes the decision to regulate mankind will eventually be regulated themselves.

Note: This post does not identify a 'true' problem and nor does it attempt to offer any 'real' solution to a 'theoretical' problem. It is merely thinking out aloud. Sometimes the darker sides of life need to be thought about no matter how much we wish they did not.


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